At least this is the idea. Unfortunately, the game doesn't live up to the high standards of the boardgame. The first drawback you will notice is that you no longer use the Special Cards (Dirty Tricks, Magic Items and Random Events). As you can probably imagine, the game is not the same without these. Personally, I miss the Magic Helmet most. The actual playing is exactly the same; it is turn-based and will require tactical thinking. You must plan every move carefully. When the game comes to an end and all the Star Player Points (SPP) have been given out, you may want to give your players new abilities. Sorry, but you can't. The game engine chooses these for you automatically (and randomly, it seems). You may have a Blocker, who would benefit the most from gaining the Block or Mighty Blow skill, but suddenly he will have Sure Hands the next time you see him. The only way you can influence your players is by buying Star Players like Hafklem Skuttlespike or Griff Oberwald.
So aren't there any positive aspects to this game? Yes, there are - in a manner of speaking. Hardcore fanatics of the boar

Bad producers - next time, try to take an assignment seriously and cover all aspects of the game, not just some. The game would and should have received 5 points had it been a true copy, whereas this only scores a 3. I would still play the game, but not over a game of real Blood Bowl with a friend,the old-fashioned way.