Sunday, August 28, 2011

Settlers II (Gold Ed.),the

You've all heard of settlers 4 and 3. But did you ever wonder what happened to the other two versions? Well, here's Settlers 2:Gold Edition. Woodcutters, miners, foresters, fishers, catapults and forts are just a taster of what comes in this jewel. There are 2 full campaigns, one where you start off as shipwrecked Romans, the other you take over different continents, such as Europe in episode 1. This one also comes with a map editor, which can be fun, and is fully functional. It even plays online! Sadly, this does NOT include the intro, so don't try clicking the intro button because it will crash the game. If you do click it by accident, just restart it and everything will be ok. The graphics are better than in the original Settlers II, and there are some new features added as well. The sounds are great, as in the other two :) Some gameplay aspects have been improved, and computer will no longer get stuck once you build up a big empire.

The original Settlers II already deserverd a mark of 5, but unfortunately it doesn't get any bigger than that, so a 5 for the Gold Edition as well! Have fun!